Wednesday, August 12, 2009

mggu ni aku cuti khas....

Sorry coz my blogger is more to the way I practice my language, typing skill, editing, express feeling. If you are think what I write is for you, I’m so sorry. Ada kawan ku tanya kenapa tak update blog. Satu sebab aku tak update coz ku busy. Banyak sangat nak kena buat. Minggu ni memang minggu penuh dengan cabaran. Aku kena jadi student and jaga family on the same time. Habis class je, petang kena balik rumah. Huhuhu...Memang penat giler. Dahlah weekend pun ada aktiviti. Tak dapat nak rilex sangat. Pagi Isnin pula ada kuiz tapi aku tak study lagi. Dahlah ada assignment aku tak siap lagi. Alamak..I don’t know where I get the disease yang pasti sekarang ni aku dah start batuk-batuk...huhu...Hari ni ada dua ceramah. 1 tentang H1N1 and 1 lagi Women Health & Sex. Something like that. Yang mengejutkan aku my ex ada dekat situ. Ku pelik juga mula-mula. Rupa-rupanya dia jadi technician tak bertauliah. Balik tu kena ambil kupon out. Yang kawan aku ni sibuk nak bawa aku lalu dia. Memang aku lalu. Aku apa lagi senyum and pandang kat dia, siap bergurau lagi macam tak ada apa-apa yang berlaku. Argh...jangan harap aku nak tegur dia lagi. Kawan aku cakap dia ada tegur aku tapi aku tak tengok pun dia. Apa lagi, PADAN MUKA. You don’t really know who I am now. I’m now the same person that you know before this. I am a new person that nobody can predict what I’m going to do. So far, I’m happy after the answer that you gave me. So, please. Don’t start it over again. My friend asked me why don’t I just say Hi to him? I said “No”. My friend said “If like this when will you people ‘berdamai’?” “No at all. Now I’m quite happy with my life coz I erase his name from my memory. As long I’m happy and I do not disturb him, please.” To somebody if you know who I’m talking about tell this guy that please stop any plan or steps that he want to do with me. Just go on with your girlfriend, your future wife, your friends, your life and leave me alone and let me happy with my future boyfriend, future husband, future life, my friends and my family. I’m happy enough with my life now although sometimes I might down by our memories but I promise those won’t effect my life anymore coz I’M JUST WASTING MY LOVELY LIFE AND TIME IF I KEEP ON HOPING YOU COME BACK THROUGH MY DOOR. THERE IS NOTHING BETWEEN US. I ONLY NEED MY OLD J AND NOT THIS NEW J THAT BELONGS TO THAT GIRL. Just give both of us chance for the moment..perhaps till we done with our diploma..then till the day i’m open my heart to befriend with you again, i’m hope when the day come and i decide to rebild our relationship perhaps then i wont turn back again and regret any decision that i made. It take long time for me to let you to come in my life again coz you never convience me that we are friend. Your attitude never show that you really want it.

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