Wednesday, February 10, 2010

long period

haiyo......lm btl dh x tulis blog...bkn pa...malas nk tulis...byk g bnd nk buat n x da ms msg nk bkhayal nk tulis dkt blog...another 1day to cuti but no cuti lor....test n kuiz mnanti aftr's ok year oredy....i know i can do it..chaiyo...ku skrg nh tgh upset sgt2...da few krisis dgn member pasal asgnmts demi masa depan, i try to b profesional...probs x hbs2..lg2 duit..haiyo...byk btl duit nk guna...mana la kyu nk cekau duit nh...?huhuhu...blm lg tmasuk fmly probs, frens n mcm2 g la...tak kebal jadi kejam ckit...tak kan br bnd nh tjadi dh giver up......come on......buat teman2 smua...happy holiday...yg chinese happy chinese new year n happy valentine too.....valentine wish bkn untuk yg kapel jer...kt kwn2 pun blh wish....